Sunday, October 24, 2010

French Army

Second French Army HQ

Marshal Soult commands Second Army and is a Gifted commander.

It consists of four Armee Corps.

Two of the corps were formed from the survivors of the Russian campaign

The other two were formed of conscripts and veterans from Spain

All four corps were recently reorganized and each has a balance of good, average and poor brigades.

4th French corps

General Reynier commands the corps and is an Average commander

Of his four infantry brigades 13th is best, 14th and 15th average and 16th poor

His corps cavalry is a heavy brigade of average quality

His corps artillery consist of 9 pounder guns and average crews

5th French corps

General Laurison commands the corps and is an Average commander

Of his four infantry brigades 17th is the best, 18th and 19th average and 20th poor

His corps cavalry is a heavy brigade of average quality

His corps artillery are 12 pounder guns and average crews

6th French corps

Marshal Marmont commands the corps and is a Gifted commander

Of his four infantry brigades 21st is the best, 22nd and 23rd average and 24th poor

His corps cavalry is a light brigade and poor quality.

His corps artillery are 9 pounder guns and average crews

13th Polish corps

General Poniatowski commands the corps and is a Poor commander

Of his four infantry brigades 1st, 2nd and 3rd are average and 4th poor

His corps cavalry is a lancer brigade of average quality

His corps artillery are 9 pounder guns and poor quality crews

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